Student Announcements September 3-7

Student Announcements September 3-7
Posted on 09/03/2018


Poplar Bluff Junior High School

September 3-7



I hope you all enjoyed a nice four day weekend!  The year is flying already!


Students, please make sure you are keeping your table clean and your trash picked up in the cafeteria.  Remember to use the stairs to your left as you exit the lunchroom. Our outdoor area is awesome! The rules out there are simple: don’t leave food on the ground, don’t twirl the umbrellas, only 4-5 to a table and ENJOY the sunshine and outdoor!  I hope you guys love that area as much as I do.

School Pictures

School pictures will be taken on Thursday, September 6th during PE Classes.

Cell Phone Reminder

Any student who uses their cell phone to video a fight, or any other inappropriate actions or uses it to bully other students at school via social media will be suspended.  We have zero tolerance on bullying.


Fundraiser money and order forms are due on September 14! Get out there and sell those items for our school:)  Sell 10 items and you will get to miss a day of school in April and go to a Cardinal’s game.


Every 8th grader must have their 8th grade shots on file! If you have not done that yet, please take care of it this week.  After Labor Day, students who do not have their up to date immunizations, will not be allowed to attend school until they receive them.


We’ve already had a couple of fights.  We have a new policy this year and a first fight is 5 days out suspended.  There is no reason ever to fight someone at school. Repeat offenders will be suspended for longer periods of time.  We want you here to learn; that’s what school is for. Make good choices.

Back to School Dance

The dance will be this Friday night from 6-8.  The house that has the most students show up, will win 50 house points!  Right now House Ma Luo is in the lead!

Washington DC Meeting

There will be an informational meeting for parents of 8th grade students interested in attending the Washington DC trip in May.  The meeting will be September 12 in the gym at 6:00 PM.


September 3- No school

September 6- Picture Day

September 7- Back to School Dance


  “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”   -Oscar Wilde
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