Student Announcements November 12-23

Posted on 11/11/2018


Poplar Bluff Junior High School

November 12-November 16



Welcome Back! I hope you all enjoyed the weekend!  This is our last week before Thanksgiving Break! Finish strong!

Veteran’s Day Assembly

Our Veteran’s Day assembly will be on Monday, November 12 at 2:00 PM.  We will be on Assembly schedule that day. Mrs. Nicolini is organizing this and always does a great job with it!  All students are expected to be respectful as we honor those that have served.


I am hearing that students who attended the Educational Talent Search field trip Friday were wonderful!  Great job kiddos! We appreciate you!

Hallway Behavior

The hallways have become way too loud during passing times and in the mornings coming up from breakfast.  There is no need to shout and scream. Use inside voices or you will be asked to go back and try again until it’s an acceptable noise level.  

Canned Food Drive

Canned Food Drive started last week!  The house that brings in the most cans will get 50 house points added to their house total points.  The competition is heating up! Friday is the last day:)

House Shirts

I need all students to wear their house shirts on Wednesday.  House points awarded to the house that has the most participants.


Midterm grades come out this week! Teachers will hand them out 8th hour on Friday.


November 12- Veterans Day Assembly

November 15- Lifeskills classes will host  a Thanksgiving Feast for their parents

November 19-25 - Thanksgiving Break

November  27- Dec 1- SINGS TRIP


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