PBJHS Student Announcements
April 16 through April 20, 2018
Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend.
7th Grade Registration
7th graders will register for 8th grade elective classes Wednesday, April 18th in their English classes. Students may view the elective options on Google Classroom.
Earth Day Field Trip
All 8th graders will be attending a field trip to Lake Wappapello on Wednesday, April 18th, to participate in an Earth Day celebration. Students will rotate through different stations set up by the Army Corp of Engineers.
Midterm Grades
Midterm grades will be going home at the end of this week.
Announcements from the Counselors
Cardinal’s Game
152 students will be attending the Cardinal’s game on April 26 for selling 10 or more items in the fall fundraiser. I have emailed all students who will be attending. Permission slips need to be returned to Mrs Pulliam this week.
MAP Dates
Communication Arts will test during the week of April 30. Math will test the week of May 7th and Science the week of May 14. Please try to make sure you are here during those weeks. Good attendance is very important, especially during testing.
4-18 Earth Day Field Trip (8th only)
4/20- Special Olympics
4/26- Cardinals Game for Fundraiser winners
5/4- No School
5/7 Honors Banquet
5/18- PBJHS Musical
5/19- PBJHS Musical
5.22- Student PD Day
May 25- Last day of school

Candace Warren, Principal