Poplar Bluff Junior High School
September 21-25
Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend and the cooler temps!
Midterms grades will be sent home on September 23rd.
Virtual Day Results
Students overwhelmingly responded that they prefer regular school and teacher interaction over the virtual method. This is such a validation for teachers. It is my hope that we don’t have to go home and learn remotely this year, but I feel strongly that if we do students and teachers are now much better prepared to do this, if we do.
Many students have been sent home due to contact tracing. Students who are wearing a mask at all times can avoid being sent home. If anyone needs a mask, we have them in the office. Stop by and get one! They are free and available for anyone who wants one.
Spirit Week
We will have a football spirit week September 28-October 2nd! See below:
Tuesday - Mask Up Mules (Wear favorite masks, hats, sunglasses)
Wednesday - Color War (House Color)
Thursday - Cage the Eagles ( Wear Maroon and White)
Friday - Friday Night Lights ( Favorite Team Apparel)
I Want Someone to Know
We have a bullying reporting form for students. This is a way for you to report anything you’d like to let the principals know. We will immediately investigate the situation. If you see something, say something! The form can be accessed here.
Cooler weather- dress appropriately!
We are still going to be using the stadium bleachers in the morning for students to sit on days when it is not raining. As the weather is now cooler in the mornings, please bring a jacket or hoodie with you so you aren’t cold.
School Supplies
Any student in need of school supplies, please see the counselors and we will get you what you need.
Student Email
All student email is monitored. If you use it for reasons other than school or we find anything inappropriate, you will lose access to your Google account.
Cell Phone Reminder
We are seeing lots of cell phones being used in class. Remember, if you have it out, it will be taken and turned into the office.
ICU- Our ICU program is up and going! This program is not intended to be a “punishment”. It’s an extra support designed to help students complete their work and learn the material. Put forth your best efforts and complete your work on time! If you end up on the list repetitively, then before/after school tutoring or Saturday schools will be used to help get you caught up.
Monday- Math
Tuesday- English
Wednesday- Science
Thursday- History
AM Tutoring: Mrs. Dell
September 23 - 1st quarter midterms sent home
September 23- Code Blue Drill first hour
September 24- Student Ambassador Meeting 6th hour with Mrs. Warren
October 1st- Fall Pep Assembly (outside)
October 2nd- National Custodian Appreciation Day
October 19- End of first quarter
October 21- Picture Retakes
October 23- Academic Lab Pumpkins Due!
October 30- Collaboration Day- No School for students