PBJHS Student Announcements February 24-28

PBJHS Student Announcements February 24-28
Posted on 02/23/2020

                            FOR STUDENTS

Poplar Bluff Junior High School

February 24- February 28, 2020



Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great weekend:)

Black History Month Assembly and Living Museum

No GO List

Please see the student handbook for the no go list guidelines.  That information is all given out at the beginning of the year. Every grading period we run a new list.  Any student with 10 or more unexcused absences, 2 or more F’s or 7 or more office referrals may not attend any extra curricular events for that time frame. 


The first track practice starts on March 2nd.  See Coach Shell or Coach Sowell if you are interested in joining the team!

End of the Quarter

Third quarter ends on March 11.  Students need to get their assignments in and focus on keeping up their grades. 


Tuesday- Gaming club

Thursday- Dungeons and Dragons Club

Theft Issues

We are having a lot of theft issues lately.  Airpods, phones and money are being taken when students set their items down and walk away from them.  Please do not bring valuable items to school.  If you do, keep your eyes on them at all times and be aware that if you take your eyes of off them, they might walk away and sometimes they cannot be recovered.  Bring items at your own risk.

Washington DC Meeting for 7th grade Parents

Parents of 7th graders who are interested in their child going on the Washington DC trip in 8th grade, are invited to attend a parent meeting on March 11th at 6:00 PM.  This is for 7th grade parents only.

Movie Night

Movie night is Friday Feb 28th from 6-8. Admission is $5 which includes 2 pieces of pizza and a bottle of water. If you wear crazy socks and Crocs or Slides admission is only $4. The student who has the craziest socks will win an AMC gift card. We will be showing Frozen 2. Please bring money for concessions as well. We will have candy, chips, and soda for purchase.  If you are currently on the NO GO List, you may not attend.


Attendance policy violation letters went out last week.  Any student who misses more than 15 days in a year (excused or unexcused) will have to attend summer school.

HS Football Information

Coach Sievers from the HS will be here at 7:15 on Thursday February 27th to speak to any boy who is interested in playing football for HS. 

Spring Sports

Right now we are gearing up for Volleyball, track and soccer games! Remember if you are a student athlete, that you are representing the school when you are playing.  To remain eligible, grades must be passing and no discipline issues. 


Movie night sign ups and clean up crew sign ups are in google classroom. Please get on google classroom ASAP and sign up. Make sure you are checking emails I communicate through email with you guys a lot


February 27- Black History Month Assembly

February 26- JROTC Ac Lab presentations

February 28- Robotics and FFA Ac lab presentations

February 29 - Jackson Jazz Band Festival


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