Poplar Bluff Junior High School
February 17- February 21, 2020
I hope everyone enjoyed their extra long weekend… I know I sure did!
Discipline, Grades and Attendance
We will begin registering for classes soon for next year. Discipline, grade and attendance determine who gets to pick their electives and design their schedules first. Keep this in mind and make good choices!
Social Media
Students, please keep in mind that anything that you post on social media during non school hours/off campus, but carries over into school and affects the school population, can be subject to a discipline consequence issued by the school. It is not to be taken lightly. Use good judgment in this area! If you wouldn’t say it to your mom or grandma, it’s probably not a good idea to post it.
9th grade registration
High School counselors will be here Thursday March 5th, during History classes, to talk with 8th graders about 9th grade registration.
Coffee with Counselors
Our counselors will be hosting this event on Thursday February 20 at 9 AM in our cafeteria with parents of 8th graders to speak with them about “All things High School”. We will do this with 6th grade parents in April.
Valentine Dance
The valentine dance will be on Friday, February 21 from 6-8 PM. Beta Club is hosting as a fundraiser. This is a Mardi Gras themed dance. Mrs. Warren will email a no go email to any student who is not allowed to attend due to failing grades, poor attendance or discipline referrals.
Tuesday-Gaming Club
Thursday- D &D Club
Friday- Math Club @ 7:00 AM
Wednesday House Games
Every Wednesday we will have house game competitions in the gym from 7:00-7:30. You must wear your house t-shirt to play! Please sign up on the Google Form if you want to participate. This week is relay races.
February 18- Collaboration Day- No School
February 20- Counselor Coffee here with HS counselors
February 21- Beta Valentine Dance
February 26- JROTC 8th grade Academic Lab assemblies
February 28- 8th grade ac lab assemblies with Kathy Miller about Robotics
February 27- Black History Month Assembly
March 4th- Blitz Day
March 5th- HS Counselors will be here in history classes