PBJHS Student Announcements (2)

PBJHS Student Announcements
Posted on 01/12/2020


Poplar Bluff Junior High School

January 13 -January 17, 2020



Welcome Back!  I hope everyone had a great weekend:)

Girls Basketball Party

The Girls Basketball Party will be on Wednesday, January 15th from 3-5.

Students of the Month

Congratulations to the January Students of the Month, House Ladd and House Bloodworth. A pizza party will be held in their honor on Thursday, January 16th, during Ac Lab and lunch. House Ladd SOTM will report to room 107 at the beginning of 5th hour. House Bloodworth SOTM will report to room 107 at the beginning of 6th hour.

  • Ladd House: Natalie Woodruff;Harley Stilwell; Kenlee Edgar; JosephineKaup; TreyNevel; SpencerNunn; Katelyn Conover; Zayden Martin; Makiyah Watson; Andrea Downing

  • Bloodworth House:

Triston Harris; Billy Holcomb; Mason West; Malachi Curnett; Kylee Pickard; Ashtyn Reese; Kennedy Zgaynor; Emma Degaris; Cole Pullam; Braxton Sneed

1st Semester House Winners

Bloodworth House has won the first semester competition for house points.  We will be taking everyone in Bloodworth House to see “Dolittle” on Friday, January 24th.  The movie is free! You only need money if you want to buy snacks.

No School

There will be no school on Monday January 20, Tuesday, January 21 or Wednesday January 22.


There will be a STUCO meeting in Mrs. Berry's Room after school Thursday January 16th until 3:20pm. Please plan on being there, especially if you plan on attending the polar plunge. We will be discussing the plunge, clean up crew, block the door competition, and powder buff volleyball.

Block the Door Competition

Block the door competition begins Monday Jan 13th.  It takes 200 blocks to block your science teachers door. The cost is $1 per block. Students may pay for blocks during lunch. If you get your science teachers door blocked by Friday January 24th. You will get a day with no science class. All the money raised goes to Special Olympics. 


Students who miss more than 15 days of school for the year, (verified or unverified) will be required to attend mandatory summer school.  This is school policy and is in the handbook. Attendance matters!  

7th Grade School Improvement Committee

I’m looking for 3 students from each house in the 7th grade, to be on a school improvement committee that will meet with me on working on ideas for school improvement.  You will receive the application and details in academic lab on Tuesday. 

Hallway Behavior

The hallways have become way too loud during passing times and in the mornings coming up from breakfast.  There is no need to shout and scream. Use inside voices or you will be asked to go back and try again until it’s an acceptable noise level.  


Gaming Club- Tuesdays 3:00-4:30

D and D Club- Thursdays 3:00-4:30

Chess Club- Tuesdays 3:00-4:30

Math Club- No Math Club meeting this week


January 16- Teams 3 and 6 Student of the Month Luncheon

January 20- Martin Luther King Day- No School

January 21- Collab Day- No school

January 22 - Collab Day- No school

January 24- Bloodworth House goes to the movies


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