PBJHS Announcements January 6-10

PBJHS Announcements January 6-10
Posted on 01/05/2020

                                      FOR STUDENTS

Poplar Bluff Junior High School

January 6 -January 10, 2020



Welcome back!  I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas Vacation! I know I sure did!  Half the year down, half to go before summer vacation! Only 17 Fridays left in this school year! 

House Competitions

The first semester winner of the house competition is Bloodworth House!  They rocked it out first semester and gave the 7th grade houses a run for their money. We start all over this semester!  Each grading period, points will be earned for attendance, good grades and lack of discipline. You can also earn points for participating in spirit events,  attendance at JH games, house t-shirt day every Wednesday, etc…… This semester’s winner will go to the park for a cookout and time to hangout/play in May.

2nd Semester Schedules

2nd semester schedules will be passed out first hour on Monday.  Any student who has a first hour elective and doesn’t remember what it is, please stop by the office and we will get you a new copy of your schedule.

Tardies/Late to Schools

Tardies and late to schools start over this semester!! BE ON TIME!!!  You only get 5 tardies per class, per semester.  Every tardy after the 5th one is a write up and a detention from your teachers.  You will get 5 new hall passes for this quarter this week. Use them wisely.  


Students who miss more than 15 days of school for the year, (verified or unverified) will be required to attend mandatory summer school.  This is school policy and is in the handbook. Attendance matters!  

7th Grade School Improvement Committee

I’m looking for 3 students from each house in the 7th grade, to be on a school improvement committee that will meet with me on working on ideas for school improvement.  I will send out an email with an application by the end of next week. We will meet during 5th hour, once or twice a month.  


The flu is going around bad!  Please wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.  Sneeze and cough into your elbows. Anyone who can, please bring a box of kleenex or Clorox wipes  in and give to a teacher! We will need them! 

Report Cards

Report cards will be mailed/emailed home on January 9th.


Hallway Behavior

The hallways have become way too loud during passing times and in the mornings coming up from breakfast.  There is no need to shout and scream. Use inside voices or you will be asked to go back and try again until it’s an acceptable noise level.  

Student ID’s

Students must have their ID’s for lunch and breakfast or they will go to the end of the line.  ID’s are to be worn every day, all day.  


January 6-10th- Science MAP Practice Testing

January 8th- Administrator Meeting- Warren out of the building

January 13- Policy Review for principals- Warren out after noon

January 16- Teams 3 and 6 Student of the Month Luncheon

January 20- Martin Luther King Day- No School

January 21- Collab Day- No school

January 22 - Collab Day- No school

January 23-25- Science MAP Practice Testing


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