Student Announcements October 14-18

Student Announcements October 14-18
Posted on 10/13/2019

                           FOR STUDENTS

Poplar Bluff Junior High School

  October 14 thru October 18, 2019



Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a great weekend:)

Yearbook Sales

Order your yearbook!  They go on sale October 1st and are $25 if you order now! The price does go up.

Bullying Awareness Month

You’ll notice in the halls that you will see anti-bullying signs and posters. October is bullying awareness month.  Bullying will not be tolerated…. Ever! I do think the word is overused right now in society and we have a long way to go on educating society and students on what bullying is and isn’t, but the ultimate goal is to just be nice to others.  Be kind….. And if you can’t do that, then just be quiet! Students should want to come to this school and feel safe to be themselves, so let’s make that happen.

Blitz Day

I hope everyone enjoyed Blitz Day!  We will do one of these randomly every quarter..  This is designed to help students stay caught up on their assignments and get them completed before each quarter ends.


There will  not be a meeting this week, but all members need to check google classroom. If you are interested in running for an officer position I would like you to add your name to the post titled STUCO Officers. Please make sure you read the duties you will be asked to perform, so that you will know if you would like an office position. Do not run for office if you do not plan on fulfilling your duties. I will send you an email if you will be running and when to start your campaign. 

Lunch Buddies

Lunch Buddies will be starting this week. There will be 2 booths in the outer cafeteria area where some of our student council members will be sitting. Feel free to sit with us and chat instead of sitting by yourself. This a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. We will be here at every lunch shift. Please come eat lunch with us. 

Boys Basketball

Tryouts will start on Monday, October 21st and go until Wednesday, October 23rd. 7th grade will be from 3-5 in the FEMA Gym. 8th grade will start on Monday, October 21 at 4:00 p.m. in the library.  Any student trying out for basketball must have a completed physical packet.

Mules Shirts and Hoodies

Mules Athletics shirts will be sold at all of our Poplar Bluff Jr. High games. We will have shirts at the girls basketball game on the 15th and the football game on the 17th. The following are the prices: t-shirts: $15; Baseball T's: $20; Sweaters: $25; Hoodies: $30

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences are on Tuesday (24th) from 3-9 PM.  Parents need to call the counselors at 785-5602 to make an appointment. 


The deadline to register for the Washington DC Trip has been extended until November 1, 2019.. If any 8th grader  is still interested in going, contact Mrs. Moncier in Room 207.

Hall Passes

Beginning 2nd quarter, each student will receive 5 bathroom/drink passes for the quarter that will attach to the back of your ID.  If you need to use the restroom during class, you’ll need to use those passes. There are way too many students in the halls and leaving

Pumpkin Painting in Labs

Each academic lab will pain a pumpkin. These are due by Oct. 22. By 3:00 PM.  We will have a penny war during lunch shifts from the 23-30. The pumpkin that wins will get all the money raised donated to their charity!  Get started painting! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!


 Monday- Mr. Arnold (math and science)

Tuesday- Mrs. Tuttle (math and science)

Wednesday- Mrs. Calloway (English and history)

Thursday- Mrs. Brawley (English and history)

AM Tutoring: Mrs. Dell


October 15- 1st Quarter Ends/Girls first home Basketball Game

October 17- Last boys home football game

October 21- Boys B-Ball tryouts begin

October 23 - Picture Retakes

October 24- Parent Teacher Conferences 3-9

October 24- Chi and company 11-1 in the gym

October 25- Red Ribbon Week Kickoff Assembly

October 25-30- Red Ribbon Week

Oct, 31 and Nov. 1- No School

November 8- Fall Dance


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