Student Announcements March 4-8

Student Announcements March 4-8
Posted on 03/03/2019

                                         FOR STUDENTS

Poplar Bluff Junior High School

March 4 -March 8, 2019



Welcome back!  I hope everyone enjoyed watching the snow this weekend.

Last Week of the Quarter

This is the last week of the quarter! Make it count!

Blitz Day

I’ve heard a lot of good feedback on Blitz Day so far, but we want to hear what your thoughts and suggestions are in order to keep making it better and better.  Please leave your feedback on the padlet at this link  All comments must be appropriate or the comment will be removed and the student will be reprimanded.

Spring Sports

Right now we are gearing up for Volleyball, track and soccer games! Remember if you are a student athlete, that you are representing the school when you are playing.  To remain eligible, grades must be passing and no discipline issues.

School Improvement Committee

Members of the School Improvement Committee will meet with Mrs. Warren on Monday, March 11th,  during 5th hour in room 107.

Incredible, Edible, Book Challenge

Our friends at the Public Library are hosting this event.  It looks super fun and I’d love to see several students participate.  Please click here to see more information!  

MAP Dates

Communication Arts and Math will test simultaneously  during the week of April 30. 8th grade Science the week of May 6.  Please do not be absent during those weeks. We will have a MAP reward for those students who have perfect attendance during those two weeks.

Debate Club

The first debate club meeting will be Tuesday, March 5th at 7:00 AM in Mrs. Pattillo’s room.  If you signed up, please attend!

High School Registration

High School counselors will be here Monday, March 4th, during History classes to talk with 8th graders about 9th grade registration. Eighth grade students should have their list of elective class options ready. Please refer to the 9th grade course manual in Google Classroom or the paper copy in your Academic Lab to find course options and descriptions.

Mass Media Newsletter

Please enjoy our mass media newsletter by clicking here.

Counselors in academic labs

Ms. Jackson and Mrs. Elledge will be in Academic Labs March 5th ,6th ,8th , and 11th for 9th grade registration on GREEN SHEETS. This is your actual 9th grade registration form. Green sheets are to be taken home, signed by the parent, and returned to your Academic Lab teacher the next day.

NAEP testing

NAEP testing is scheduled for Thursday, March 7th. Only 8th grade students who have been randomly selected to participate will take the test. The morning group will test 8:30-10:30. The afternoon group will test 12:40-2:40. Test tickets will be handed out to participating students during 1st hour. Teachers will be emailed the list of  students participating.

ETS field trip

The 8th grade ETS field trip to the ASU campus is scheduled for Friday, March 8th. A list of students attending will be sent to teachers.

Counselor Coffee

Mrs. Elledge and Ms. Jackson  are hosting a counselor coffee in the cafeteria Friday morning for 8th grade parents to discuss all things high school. We have 30 parents signed up so far which I think is awesome!  If you’d like to sign up, please do so at this link.


March 4- HS Counselors will be in History classes working on HS Registration

March 7th- NAEP testing with approximately 50 students

March 6 - Grade File will be open

March 8- 3rd quarter ends

March 11 - Grade File will close at 8:00.

March 13 - Grade will go home

March 15- Collaboration Day- NO School

March 19- CHI and CO in the gym 5th and 6th hours

March 25-29 Spring Break

April 5 - STUCO Movie Night

April 10- Spring Pictures

April 12- Special Olympics at PBJHS


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