Student Announcements October 23-27

Student Announcements October 23-27
Posted on 10/22/2017


Poplar Bluff Junior High School

October 23-27, 2017



I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!  This week we will have a short week with no school on Thursday or Friday

Anti-Bullying Assembly

We will have an anti-bullying assembly on Monday.  I expect you to give this your full attention and be respectful and quiet.  Anyone who chooses not to behave will be in ISS during this time.

Student ID’s

This week students must use their ID for second chance breakfast.  ID’s will be scanned for faster service.


We want this school to be a happy place where students enjoy coming every day.  That is my personal goal as the principal.  We are seeing some behaviors that are not lining up with that goal.  Be nice to each other, treat each other with respect.  If a teacher asks you your name, you give it.  We are being very intentional as administrators about this.  Students who choose not to follow the rules, are receiving consequences.  Make good choices.

Bright Futures Food Drive

Bright Futures will be sponsoring school-wide food drive for the Mule Packs. For the month of October, Jr High has been ask to collect Canned Meats (tuna, chicken, potted meat, Spam).

The homeroom that collects the most will receive a doughnut party.  The dates for collection will be Oct. 16-30th, with the party being on the 31st, Halloween.  

School Store

Our school store will be open this week on Wednesday.  Ms. Rutledge will be asking you all to take a survey to see what things you want her class to sell in the Mule Shack.

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon week is next week!  We had a poster contest to design the flyer for it!  Congrats to Mercedes Baguio for winning!  Click here to see the daily themes on her poster!

PROTOCOL REMINDERS (keep these in mind)

Before School Traffic:

  • Students enter the building through the gym doors only.

  • Students go down the ramp outside if eating breakfast

  • Classrooms/hallways are off limits until 7, unless you have a pass from a teacher.

  • Vending/Drink machines in the building are off limits in the morning.  

Between classes:

  • “Walk and Talk” Do not stop in the hallway to chat; keep moving.  

  • Noise level minimum; use two-foot voices.

  • Vending machines are not an excuse for tardies ever!

After school:

  • Pay attention as we make final announcements.  

  • Bus riders will leave after the intercom announcements and your teachers dismiss you.


  • If you are crossing the highway, get there quickly.  NO ONE CROSSES THE HIGHWAY AT ANY TIME WITHOUT OFFICER COURTNEY!

  • You cannot stay after school to play basketball, go play football on the lower field, or just hang out.  We love you guys, but go home when it is time!

There are other things that may need to be mentioned, but if you realize that you should operate on your Social Contract no matter where you are at most issues will be take care of themselves.


October 23- Bullying Assemblies with Tina Meier

October 24 -Picture Retakes

October 24- Parent Teacher Conferences from 3-9

October 25 - 7th grade Honors History St. Louis Science Center.

October 26-29- Fall Break (No School)

October 30- Nov. 2- Red Ribbon Week

November 2 - Team 3 and 6 Student of the Month celebration

November 2- 7th grade band concert


“I missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I have failed over and over again in my life. AND, THAT IS WHY I SUCCEED

-Michael Jordan

Candace Warren, Principal
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