I hope you all enjoyed a nice four day weekend! The year is flying already!
Lunch- Students, please make sure you are keeping your table clean and your trash picked up in the cafeteria. Remember to use the stairs to your left as you exit the lunchroom. Our outdoor area is awesome! The rules out there are simple: don’t leave food on the ground, don’t twirl the umbrellas, only 4-5 to a table and ENJOY the sunshine and outdoor! I hope you guys love that area as much as I do.
Remember, if you sell 10 items, you get to go to a Cardinal’s Game! Money is due next week!
Cleaning Supply Drive to help Houston
Students, we will be having a cleaning supply drive for the next two weeks to help the students who were affected by the Hurricane in Houston. Academic labs will be competing against each other.
Challenge to you
Remember Mr. Dowd and I gave you a challenge the first week of school. If your grade level has less than 50 office referrals at mid-term, we would let you have your phones out at lunch. Mid-term are September 26. 8th grade currently has 11 and 7th grade has 25. You can do it!
School Pictures
School pictures will be taken on Friday, September 8th during PE Classes.
Cell Phone Reminder
Any student who uses their cell phone to video a fight, or any other inappropriate actions or uses it to bully other students at school via social media will be suspended. We have zero tolerance on bullying.
Fundraiser money and order forms are due on September 13! Get out there and sell those items for our school:)
Reminder: Kiddos, it is mandatory for everyone in the building to have their name badge displayed at all times during the day except in PE classes. Consequences for not abiding with the policy will be more harsh including loss of privileges to attend and participate in extracurricular activities. It is a safety issue that our badges are worn in the building. Your homeroom teachers will pass those out and collect them every day. Let your teacher know if you need a lanyard, and I will get you one.
September 4- No school
September 4- No school
September 7- First HOME PBJHS Football Game
September 8- School Picture Day
September 8- JH Back to school Dance
September 13- Fundraiser Money is due
September 15- Relay for Life- JH Track
September 26- Midterm Grades go home
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” -Oscar Wilde
Candace Warren, Principal