The Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation has awarded $500 to the Poplar Bluff Junior High honors English program for curriculum materials associated with several literary classics, as well as mythology and poetry.
The proposal was written by eighth grade instructor Hilary Taylor, who is new to the department, and says the curriculum is being restructured with increased rigor. Project-based learning activities cited include modernizing passages and transforming stories into graphic novels, children’s books and scripts.
“Students will rise to greatness, but they must be given that opportunity,” Taylor wrote. “It is our job to facilitate those opportunities.”
The MRTF awarded a total of $42,000 to teachers in Missouri, six grants per region. This was the first grant awarded to an R-I instructor, according to organization representatives. Taylor said she was made aware of the opportunity at the end of last school year by Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum Patty Robertson.
Cutline: Displaying an MRTF grant on Wednesday, Aug. 9, are (from left) English Department Chairwoman Julie Gambill, R-I Assistant Superintendent of Personnel Dr. Amy Jackson, John and Anne Moyers on behalf of the foundation and association, PBJHS Assistant Principal Jason Dowd, teacher Hilary Taylor and Principal Candace Warren.