Student Announcements (2)

Student Announcements 8/21
Posted on 08/20/2017


Poplar Bluff Junior High 
Student Announcements

August 21-25



Welcome Back!  It is great to have you back at PBJHS! We had a great first week and you all were awesome.  Good hallway and class behavior!  Keep it up:)

Solar Eclipse

All students with permission forms turned in will be on the football field during the Solar Eclipse.  DO NOT look up at the sun until you get on the field, and put on your glasses.  It is imperative that every student has on the glasses before looking up at the sky.  Students who do not behave outside, will be escorted inside and remain in the ISS room until the Eclipse is over and teachers are back in their classrooms.  Students who do not have permission to watch the eclipse will be in the library.

BREAKFAST- If you are eating breakfast in the morning, please go down the ramp and not in the gym when you arrive.

Lunch- Students, please make sure you are keeping your table clean and your trash picked up in the cafeteria.  Remember to use the stairs to your left as you exit the lunchroom.


Mr. Dowd and I conducted our Academic Lab assemblies last Friday.  Those assemblies are to let you all know what our expectations are and to make sure you understand the rules/procedures.  We will have a lot of fun this year, but everyone will be expected to follow the rules in order to stay organized and maximize your learning.


You will be able to access your student handbook on Google Classroom and you also have a hard copy of it.  Please take time to read through this manual.  Mr. Dowd and I have already hit on many of the issues in the AL assemblies.  We will have a Kahoot game in Academic Lab to see how well you read it.


On Tuesday, each homeroom teacher will distribute the Chromebooks to  students.  Students are NOT allowed to carry them without the sleeve.


We will practice each of our drills in a relatively short time.  However, each of your classes have been practicing drills and will continue to do so for this week.  We hope there will never be any emergency at PBJHS, but if there ever is one, we want you to be prepared.


Reminder: Kiddos, it is mandatory for everyone in the building to have their name badge displayed at all times during the day except in PE classes.  Consequences for not abiding with the policy will be more harsh including loss of privileges to attend and participate in extracurricular activities.  It is a safety issue that our badges are worn in the building.  Your homeroom teachers will pass those out and collect them every day.  Let your teacher know if you need a lanyard, and I will get you one.

TRAP TEAM-  The trap team will be having their exhibition and sign-up on August 26th at the PB Gun Club from 9-1 for anyone that is interested in joining or re-joining.  


August 26- Trap Team Exhibition

August 30- Academic Lab fundraiser kickoff

August 31- First JH football game (away)

September 1- Collaboration Day

September 4- No school

September 7- First HOME PBJHS Football Game

September 8- JH Band Dance

September 15- Relay for Life- JH Track


“Truth is like a Lion. You don’t have to defend it, just let it loose and it will defend itself!”


Candace Warren, Principal
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