Student Announcements 2-4

PBJHS Student Announcements February 6-10
Posted on 02/05/2017



I hope you had a great weekend! Did your Superbowl pick win?? Regardless, did you have a great time watching, eating, and fellowshipping with family and friends? Have a great day and week!


We're still seeing students without Name Badges; not wearing them.  Let’s review:  All students and staff will wear name badges for school safety reasons first and foremost!  God forbid any tragedy, but in a tragedy, your name badge will be valuable.  NB’s are to be worn except in PE/shop.  Before you leave those areas, put them back on! You must wear your own name badge.  


Most of you have done a great job with our school protocols...thank you and keep up the great work! Remember, not wear hats in the building; please do not bring bandanas to wear of any color; name badges are worn and visible at all times; walk and talk; treat others the way you want to be treated!


We have implemented HALL PASSES that you may use at teacher discretion.  Please understand that there may be times you need to be in class and just because you have a hall pass doesn't mean you can leave (emergency situations do occur, and we know that!). The HALL PASSES will be attached to the back of your name badges.  In order to use these, you must have your badge with the passes on the back.  You will receive 5 per quarter to use when it is necessary.  Once they are gone, they are gone! BE WISE in using your passes!


Poplar Bluff Junior High has been nominated for a National Showcase School for Capturing Kids’ Hearts. This is due to the great job students and staff do implementing and living the tools of CKH. On Tuesday, February 21st, a team from the Flippen Group will visit our school.  They will be talking to staff, to students, to parents, and walking the hallways! Our nomination has placed us a finalist for a CKH National Showcase School! There are 43 finalist this year out of over 10,000 schools that implement CKH! We, PBJHS, are one of the finalist!!!!  What an awesome recognition! Keep up the good work!


Tornado Drill Wednesday, February 8th at the end of first hour.


In the near future, we will have information for all students in our upcoming JH soccer season. The tentative date for beginning is February 27th! More info to come! Details will be finalized this week and shared with students for the upcoming season!


It is an event in the future, but it will be here sooner than you think! Our Science Fair will be held on Friday, March 10th.  The gym will be used all day and evening for the event. 7th graders...Make us proud!


Our 2017 Valentine’s Dance will be held on Friday, February 10th from 6-8 p.m. WE HOPE THAT ALL WILL BE ABLE TO ATTEND! However, you must be on the “Go List” to do so! More information will follow!  


Thank you ladies for all of your efforts in trying out for the VB team!  I am looking forward to watching VB this season!  


2-9 TRC Jazz Festival

2-10 Valentine Dance

2-13 Mid-term ends

2-14 Jostens Ring Sales

2-15 Grades sent home

2-17 Collaboration Day


2-21 Flippen Group Visiting our School

2-28 Choir Festival at Dexter 7:00 p.m.


“Listen with curiosity.

Speak with Honesty.

Act with Integrity.”

-Roy T. Bennett

Bob Case, Principal
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