Poplar Bluff Junior High School
October 22-26
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! This week is a 3 day week! Enjoy your 4 day weekend
The deadline to register for the Washington DC Trip has been extended until October 31, 2018. If any 8th grader is still interested in going, contact Mrs. Moncier in Room 207.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences are on Tuesday (23rd) from 3-9 PM. Parents need to call the counselors at 785-5602 to make an appointment.
School Beautification Club
One of my long range goals is to have more club offerings for students to tap into their interests and sense of belonging at school. I will be asking students who would like to participate this week to sign up. You will stay after school once a month and work on a project to beautify our campus! This could involve painting, planting flowers, etc..
Red Ribbon Week
Next week is Red Ribbon week! I The house that has the most participants on theme days will be awarded the house points for the week. Please see the flyer for the themed days.

Student ID’s
All students now have their ID’s. If you need a lanyard, come and see me. ID’s will be used for breakfast, lunch and restroom passes. Students with ID’s will go first in line. Wear these everyday.
Pumpkin Painting in Labs
Each academic lab will pain a pumpkin. These are due by Oct. 22. We will have a penny war during lunch shifts from the 23-29. The pumpkin that wins will get all the money raised donated to their charity! Get started painting! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Community Service Day
We are working on planning a community service day for our students to blanket our community and provide different services. I have posted the survey for the community on our PBJHS Facebook Page. I’m not sure when we will do this, but I feel very strongly about our students providing service to others and developing empathy skills.
Student Email
All student email is monitored. If you use it for reasons other than school or we find anything inappropriate, you will lose access to your Google account.
10-23 Parent Teacher Conferences 3-9 p.m.
10-25 Collaboration Day
10-26 No School
October 29- November 2- Red Ribbon Week
November 8- Teams 1 and 4 Student of the Month Luncheon
November 12- Veterans Day Assembly
November 14- Data Meeting with CO
November 19-25 - Thanksgiving Break
“I missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I have failed over and over again in my life. AND, THAT IS WHY I SUCCEED”
-Michael Jordan