Student Announcements October 21-25

Student Announcements October 21-25
Posted on 10/20/2019

                                         FOR STUDENTS

Poplar Bluff Junior High School

  October 21 thru October 25, 2019



Welcome Back! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!  Fall is in the air

Yearbook Sales

Order your yearbook!  They go on sale October 1st and are $25 if you order now! The price does go up.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences are onThursday  (24th) from 3-9 PM. Parents need to call the counselors at 785-5602 to make an appointment. 

Boys Basketball

Tryouts will start on Monday, October 21st and goes until Wednesday, October 23rd. 7th grade will be from 3-5 in the FEMA Gym. 8th grade will start on Monday, October 21 at 4:00 p.m. in the library.  Any student trying out for basketball must have a completed physical packet.

Mules Shirts and Hoodies

Mules Athletics shirts will be sold at all of our Poplar Bluff Jr. High games. We will have shirts at the girls basketball game on the 15th and the football game on the 17th. The following are the prices: t-shirts: $15; Baseball T's: $20; Sweaters: $25; Hoodies: $30

Beta Club

  • Beta dues need to be turned in by November 1st. 

  • If any Beta member wants to attend convention they need to come see Mrs. Dell and let her  know what they want to compete in. 

  •  It has come to our attention that several students that were in Beta last year did not appear on the  grade printout. If you think you are still eligible, please come see Mrs. Dell

  • Little Debbie fundraiser is due November 5th to Mrs. Taylor..

  • We had a male student turn in Beta money to Mrs. Taylor when she was handing out the fundraiser but there was no name on it. Please come see her or Mrs. Dell so that we can get your name recorded.

Fall Dance

The fall dance will be on November 8th from 6-8 PM.  The dress code is casual (jeans, tshirts, etc.. ) The admission to get in is $4, but if you bring in a non perishable food item for our canned food drive, you will only have to pay $3.  A no go list will be sent out that week.

Swim Club

We will have our first swim club day at The BRC, 5 Nov.  3:30-4:30. Ms. East will send an email reminder next week and the week after.  

House Innes Fundraiser Items Due

Team 4 and DC Yankee Candle fundraising orders and money due to me November 4th

Gaming Clubs

Tuesday- Gaming Club from 3-4:30pm and will be Card games.

Thursday-No club due to Parent Teacher Conference

Friday-Anime Club from 3-4:30pm

Math Club

Math Club will be meeting in room 201 at 7am on Friday. See Mrs. Wheat or Mrs. Dell for details.


The deadline to register for the Washington DC Trip has been extended until November 1, 2019.. If any 8th grader  is still interested in going, contact Mrs. Moncier in Room 207.

PBJHS Wrestling

Practice will start on 10/21 and all athletes will need to report to the lower gym with an updated physical.

Pumpkin Painting in Labs

Each academic lab will pain a pumpkin. These are due by Oct. 22.  We will have a penny war during lunch shifts from the 23-30. The pumpkin that wins will get all the money raised donated to their charity!  Get started painting! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!


 Monday- Mr. Arnold (math and science)

Tuesday- Mrs. Tuttle (math and science)

Wednesday- Mrs. Calloway (English and history)

Thursday- Mrs. Brawley (English and history)

AM Tutoring: Mrs. Dell


October 21- Boys B-Ball tryouts begin

October 23 - Picture Retakes

October 24- Parent Teacher Conferences 3-9

October 24- Chi and company 11-1 in the gym

October 25- Red Ribbon Week Kickoff Assembly

October 25-30- Red Ribbon Week

Oct, 31 and Nov. 1- No School

November 8- Fall Dance


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