Student Announcements October 15-19

Student Announcements October 15-19
Posted on 10/14/2018


Poplar Bluff Junior High School

October 15-19



I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!  Cold temps will stick around for this week too!


The deadline to register for the Washington DC Trip has been extended until October 31, 2018. If any 8th grader  is still interested in going, contact Mrs. Moncier in Room 207.

Blitz Day

I hope everyone enjoyed Blitz Day!  We will do one of these randomly every month.  This is designed to help students stay caught up on their assignments and get them completed before each quarter ends.

Report Cards

Report cards will be issued at the end of the week.  Anyone who receives two or more quarter F’s in core classes, will be recommended for tutoring and intervention.  Our goal is to see each one of you you be successful academically.

Student ID’s

All students now have their ID’s. If you need a lanyard, come and see me.  ID’s will be used for breakfast, lunch and restroom passes. Students with ID’s will go first in line.  Wear these everyday.


We want this school to be a happy place where students enjoy coming every day.  That is my personal goal as the principal. We are seeing some behaviors that are not lining up with that goal.  Be nice to each other, treat each other with respect. If a teacher asks you your name, you give it. We are being very intentional as administrators about this.  Students who choose not to follow the rules, are receiving consequences. Make good choices.

Educational Talent Search

ETS students will meet with Zach Mac on Wednesday during academic lab. In room 107.  Students go directly there. Zach will take attendance.

Fundraiser Items

Fundraiser items need to be picked up from 3:30-4:30 in the cafeteria on Tuesday, October 16th.  

Hall Passes

Beginning 2nd quarter, each student will receive 5 bathroom/drink passes for the quarter that will attach to the back of your ID.  If you need to use the restroom during class, you’ll need to use those passes. There are way too many students in the halls and leaving class each hour.  Please use the restrooms between classes and in the locker rooms in PE.

Pumpkin Painting in Labs

Each academic lab will pain a pumpkin. These are due by Oct. 22.  We will have a penny war during lunch shifts from the 23-29. The pumpkin that wins will get all the money raised donated to their charity!  Get started painting! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Stoplight Dance

There will be a Stoplight Dance on October 19th.  We will have a King and Queen for 7th and 8th grade that will be announced at the dance. Voting begins next week!  Students will pay $3 to get in and this includes a bracelet. All proceeds benefit the Lifeskills classrooms. House points will be awarded for attendance!

Boys Basketball Tryouts

Boys basketball tryouts are October 15-17 right after school.  Make sure you have a physical on file and proof of insurance.

Student Email

All student email is monitored. If you use it for reasons other than school or we find anything inappropriate, you will lose access to your Google account.


10/16- Fundraiser Items are here

10/18 Grades go home

10-19 Stoplight Dance

10/19- Report Cards Issued

10-23 Parent Teacher Conferences 3-9 p.m.

10-25 - No School due to Collaboration Day

10-26 No School


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