Student Announcements November 6-10

Student Announcements November 6-10
Posted on 11/05/2017


Poplar Bluff Junior High School

November 6-November 10, 2017




Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed the weekend.  I’m looking for volunteers to lead the Pledge of Allegiance on the intercom in the mornings.  Please stop by my office and sign up with Mrs. Pulliam


I just want to affirm you all for your excellent behavior on Halloween!  You all did a great job adhering to the rules and only receiving one office referral that day when I challenged you!  We need more fun days like that.  Each week, I’ll be giving you a challenge that if met, will earn you a reward.

Canned Food Drive

Our canned food drive starts today!  The student who brings in the most cans will win a $100 visa gift card.   The teacher whose homeroom brings in the most cans, will receive a $100 Visa card. The top 3 students who bring in the most cans, will go on a field trip with me to help deliver the cans during the school day and I will buy them lunch.  

Discipline Referral Status...Challenge to YOU!

Right now, 7th grade has a total of 269 referrals and 8th grade has 185.  If by December 15, 7th grade has less than 300 and 8th grade has less than 215, Mr. Dowd and I will have a dance off in the gym at the Christmas Assembly and you will be allowed to get phones out at lunch after Christmas Break.

Student ID’s

We are having a problem with students trying to use another student’s ID.  This is an office referral.  Using another student’s ID to buy breakfast or lunch, is stealing.  ONLY use your ID!

Blitz Day

This Friday we will have our first Blitz Day.  Students who are not on the ICU List will be allowed to choose a fun activity to attend during this time.  Students on the ICU list will be working with a teacher to get caught up.

Veteran’s Day Assembly

This Friday we will have our Veteran’s Day assembly.  We will have performances and some guest speakers.  I expect excellent behavior.  

Girls Basketball

Our girls basketball team plays at home this week on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:00 PM.  Come out and support them!


November 9-       Choir field trip to Nursing homes

November 10-     Veteran’s Day Assembly

November 10-     Blitz Day

November 15-17- SINGS Dauphin Island Trip

November 15-     CHI and Company Lunch assemblies for girls

November 16-     Elective Student of the month celebration

November 17-      Life Skills Class hosts a Thanksgiving feast for parents/students

November 20 - 24 - Thanksgiving Break - No School

November 27 - Collaboration Day/Active Shooter Training

November 30 -  8th grade Honors English Field trip (Taylor and Calloway ONLY)


So you’re a little weird?  Work it!  A little different?

OWN IT!  Better to be a nerd than one of the herd!

                    -Mandy Hale

Candace Warren, Principal
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