Poplar Bluff Junior High School
November 27-December 1, 2017
I hope everyone enjoyed a fantastic week off with their family and friends! It was a good week off, but I’m excited to see you all again:) I love the Christmas season and I can’t wait to see all the festive doors you all create with your academic lab teachers. We have a fun Christmas spirit week planned too.
I need you all to put forth your best effort and finish the second semester strong! We only have 3 weeks and then we will be off for Christmas Break. I’d like to see no office referrals and low ICU referrals this next three weeks.. Semester grades are what determines if you are promoted to the next grade or not. Buckle down and take care of business.
Wonder Movie
All students will be attending the movie on Wednesday and Thursday. Permission slips and money are due no later than Tuesday morning to your homeroom teacher. We are collecting extra donation money to help pay for students who cannot attend. If you’d like to help out, just send it with your child on Tuesday.
Canned Food Drive
Our canned food drive ends this FRIDAY! If every student brought in just 5 cans, we could donate 4,000 food items. The student who brings in the most cans will win a $100 visa gift card. The teacher whose homeroom brings in the most cans, will receive a $100 Visa card. The top 3 students who bring in the most cans, will go on a field trip with me to help deliver the cans during the school day and I will buy them lunch.
Focus on Kindness
I’d like each student to focus on what they can personally do to help promote kindness at PBJHS. That is the focus of the movie, Wonder and I think the key to having as much success as possible at our school. It starts with you! What can you do? Share your ideas with me:)
New Schedule Begins Wednesday
Beginning on Wednesday, we will no longer have homeroom. All students will report directly to their first hour when school begins.
Student ID’s
We are having a problem with students trying to use another student’s ID. This is an office referral. Using another student’s ID to buy breakfast or lunch, is stealing. ONLY use your ID!
Hallway noise continues to be way too loud, ESPECIALLY DURING THE 7TH GRADE LUNCH CHANGE! You need to move from point A to point B as quickly as possible and as quietly as possible. Students need to walk and talk at a normal level. Do not use passing time to congregate in the hall with your friends and block traffic. Students who receive 5 or more hallway tickets are removed from our Renaissance rewards and receive a discipline consequence.
November 27 - Collaboration Day- No School
November 27- Boys basketball home game @ 5:00
November 27- Wrestling meet @ PBHS 5:00 PM
November 28- Boys basketball home game @ 5:00
November 30 - 8th grade Honors English Field trip (Taylor and Calloway ONLY)
November 30- 8th grade boys basketball home game @5
December 4- Wrestling meet @PBHS 5:00 PM
December 5- Boys basketball home game @ 5:00
December 7 - SOTM Team 1 and 4
December 7 - Oneal’s Christmas concert
December 12 - Band Concert
December 13- CHI and Company presentations in the Gym during academic labs
December 14 - Art show 6:00 p.m.
December 14 - Teen Leadership parent meeting 6:00 p.m.
December 15 - Bright Future Dance 6-8
December 19 - 2nd semester ends
December 20 - Christmas Break

Candace Warren, Principal