Poplar Bluff Junior High School
February 3 - February 7, 2020
Welcome to February! I hope everyone had fun eating and watching your team play in the Superbowl.. Or watching the commercials like me:)
Soccer Open Gym
Soccer open gyms will be Friday, Feb 7th and Monday, Feb 10th for Boys, and Wednesday and Thursday Feb 12th and 13th for girls. Location will be the main field or FEMA gym depending on weather.
No Running Club
Running Club will be moving to Mondays
Black History Month Celebration
We will have a celebration and assembly on Thursday, February 27th. We will have an assembly with many different student participation opportunities and a living museum that will be open to the public. Our committee is working hard on this and I’m very excited!
Educational Talent Search Field Trip
Seventh and eighth grade ETS students who plan to attend the STEM event at TRC on Friday, February 7th must have permission slips turned in to the counselors ASAP. You will not be allowed to go without parent permission. ETS students will be dismissed via intercom by 8:15 a.m. on Friday to board the bus. You will return to JH during 7th hour.
Vaping Presentations
Southeast Missouri Behavioral Health will be here Feb. 12 and 13 to do Vaping Presentations with our PE classes. Girls' PE and Adaptive PE will be on Feb. 12. Boys' PE will be on Feb. 13.
Tuesday-Gaming Club
Thursday- D &D Club
Friday- Anime Club
There will be no Math Club this week!
Swim Club will meet Tues! Make sure you have a ride home
Valentine Crushes
Teen Leadership 2 will be selling Crushes and YooHoo for Valentine's Day. Crushes will be $1.00 YooHoo will be $2.00. All proceeds will go to St. Jude's Research Hospital. They will be for sale February 3rd-12th during lunch shifts.
Red Crush- Your Crush
Orange Crush- Secret Crush
Purple Crush- Send one to a friend
YooHoo- “YooHoo should be my Valentine”
St. Jude’s Math-A-Thon
The math-a-thon starts this Monday and will run through Friday, February 14th. This year’s incentives are:
The math class that has the highest fundraising average will receive their choice of a donut or ice cream sundae party.
The top three fundraisers will get to take a trip to St. Jude’s and the Memphis Zoo
Any student that raises a minimum of $30 will have a “Movie Morning” in the gym hosted by the Teen Leadership 2 class.
Students of the Month
Congrats to our February Students of the Month for PE: Kaitlyn Baucom, Tylar Brookreson, Savannah Larkins, Kimber Hicks, Reece Prenger, Jasmeka Harley, Asa Payne, Noah Shirrell, Jakai Sellers, Kadin Hillis, Benjamin Casey, Clayton Stark. These students will be honored with a pizza party on Thursday, Feb. 6th. Seventh grade SOTM are to report to room 107 at the beginning of 5th hour. Eighth grade SOTM are to report to room 107 at the beginning of 6th hour.
Girls Volleyball Information
All practices are from 3:00-5:00.
Students who miss more than 15 days of school for the year, (verified or unverified) will be required to attend mandatory summer school. This is school policy and is in the handbook. Attendance matters!
February 6th- PE Student of the Month Luncheon
February 13- Midterms go home
February 17- No School
February 18- Collaboration Day
February 21- Beta Valentine Dance
February 27- Black History Month Assembly