Poplar Bluff Junior High School
August 27-31
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great first full week of school:) This week and next week is a four day week, so enjoy!
Fundraiser Assemblies
Our school fundraiser kickoff will be Thursday. You’ll want to make sure you participate so you can earn a Cardinal’s ticket and a day out of school!
Attendance Rate
I want to commend you all on your attendance rate so far! You are doing a fantastic job with getting to school. I’m posting it each day on our data wall in the foyer. Remember, our goal is 90% attendance, 90% of the time. You exceeded that this last week! Let’s keep that up:)
Every 8th grader must have their 8th grade shots on file! If you have not done that yet, please take care of it this week. After Labor Day, students who do not have their up to date immunizations, will not be allowed to attend school until they receive them.
We’ve already had a couple of fights. We have a new policy this year and a first fight is 5 days out suspended. There is no reason ever to fight someone at school. Repeat offenders will be suspended for longer periods of time. We want you here to learn; that’s what school is for. Make good choices.
If you are eating breakfast in the morning, please go down the ramp and not in the gym when you arrive.
Students, please make sure you are keeping your table clean and your trash picked up in the cafeteria. Remember to use the stairs to your left as you exit the lunchroom.
Washington DC Meeting
There will be an informational meeting for parents of 8th grade students interested in attending the Washington DC trip in May. The meeting will be September 12 in the gym at 6:00 PM.
Outdoor Eating
Our outdoor eating area during lunch is open. Duty teachers will be coming through and picking a table to go outside and eat every day. Impress me with your behavior!
Positive Referral Board
Be sure to check out our positive referral board by the attendance office! Each time a student earns a positive referral, they will be posted on the board in the house that that student belongs to.
August 28-Girls Basketball Tryouts
August 29- Girls Basketball Tryouts
August 30- First Home Football Game
August 30- Academic Lab fundraiser kickoff
August 31- Collaboration day
September 3- No school
September 6- Picture Day
September 7- Back to School Dance

Candace Warren, Principal