PBJHS Student Announcements
April 23 through April 27, 2018
Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!
Midterm grades went home on Friday, April 20th
Cardinal’s Game
I’m still missing 45 permission slips! I need those by Monday, if you are attending.
Map Spirit Week
It’s MAP spirit week this week! All teachers who participate may wear jeans all week.
Monday - Dream Big! - PJ's Day
Tuesday - Rock the Test! - Music Tee-Shirt
Wednesday - Get Your Head in the Game! - College or Pro Swag
Thursday - Use Your Brain to Master the Test! - Wear Head Apparel
Friday- Ride the Waves to a great score- Beach theme (school appropriate)
MAP Dates
Communication Arts will test during the week of April 30. Math will test the week of May 7th and Science the week of May 14. Please try to make sure you are here during those weeks. Good attendance is very important, especially during testing.
7th Grade Assemblies
On Monday, during Academic Labs, 7th grade teachers please bring your students to the gym and Mrs. Moncier will be talking to them about the DC Trip.
Talent Show
We will be having a talent show this year! Mrs. Gambill will be organizing tryouts soon. It will be on May 24th.
Last Day of School
Students will be dismissed at 11:40 on May 25th.
8th Grade Registration
Seventh graders who have not registered for 8th grade elective classes need to see Ms. Jackson, ASAP, to fill out a registration form. If you do not fill out a registration form, elective classes will be chosen for you.
4/26- Cardinals Game for Fundraiser winners
5/4- No School
5/7 Honors Banquet
5/18- PBJHS Musical
5/19- PBJHS Musical
5.22- Student PD Day
May 25- Last day of school