PBJHS Student Announcements
April 30 through May 4, 2018
Welcome Back! I hope everyone enjoyed this beautiful weekend! Only 18.5 days of school left; make it count!
Fishing Club
May 1st - 3:30-5:30
May 8th - 3:30-5:30
May 14th - 3:30-5:30
May 21st - 3:30-5:30
We will meet at the pond behind New Covenant Fellowship Church on PP Highway, whose address is 3396 Kanell Boulevard. Students must have returned a signed permission form from a family member, and must have a ride to and from the site.
MAP Dates
Communication Arts will test during the week of April 30. Math will test the week of May 7th and Science the week of May 14. Please try to make sure you are here during those weeks. Good attendance is very important, especially during testing.
With spring in the air it seems like love is too! However, there is a time and place for all things, and school is not the time or place for any public displays of affection (PDA). This includes girls holding hands with their friends and hugging each other as well. Please keep this in check!
Talent Show
We will be having a talent show this year! Mrs. Gambill will be organizing tryouts soon. It will be on May 24th.
Last Day of School
Students will be dismissed at 11:40 on May 25th.
8th Grade Registration
Seventh graders who have not registered for 8th grade elective classes need to see Ms. Jackson, ASAP, to fill out a registration form. If you do not fill out a registration form, elective classes will be chosen for you.
5/4- No School
5/7 Honors Banquet
5/18- PBJHS Musical
5/19- PBJHS Musical
5.22- Student PD Day
May 25- Last day of school