Poplar Bluff Junior High School
April 1 -5, 2019
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a GREAT spring break!
8th Graders
If you have not turned in your green sheet for HS registration, you must turn that in to Ms. Jackson ASAP!
We will be recognizing our spring sports teams on Tuesday, April 4th. We will be on alternative assembly schedule that day. We will recognize our Volleyball teams,, boys basketball, our track teams and our soccer teams. We will culminate the activity with some fun games!
Perfect Attendance MAP Reward
For those students who have perfect attendance April 29- May 10 during MAP testing, they will earn the reward of MAP Survivor Games out on the football field! A fun day of games, blow up activities, snacks and more on May 20th. Start making plans now for those two weeks of perfect attendance!
MAP Dates
Communication Arts and Math will test simultaneously during the week of April 30. 8th grade Science the week of May 6. Please do not be absent during those weeks. We will have a MAP reward for those students who have perfect attendance during those two weeks.
PBJHS Pom Squad Tryouts

Cardinals Game Field Trip
Students who sold 10 or more items in the fall fundraiser will go to the Cardinals game on May 8th as a reward. Permission letters will go home this week!
Academic lab time is a time for students to work on homework and get help from teachers. It is not a time to roam the halls, hang out in the bathroom or head down to a different lunch hour. Students are expected to remain in class during this time. If students need to leave the class for any reason, a hall pass should be used or a teacher pass issued by the teacher. Students who do not check in to academic lab or who are found to not be where they are supposed to be will be written up for being truant.
Please check short length, shirt coverage, and any other possible clothing issue (like holes in your pant legs) prior to coming to school. We have had to have students change already! Dress appropriately for school!
PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION (PDA)With spring in the air it seems like love is too! However, there is a time and place for all things, and school is not the time or place for any public displays of affection (PDA). This includes girls holding hands with their friends and hugging each other as well. Please keep this in check!
For your safety and knowing your location for supervision, the gym lobby restroom is available to use before school. Also, the vending machine in the lobby is for your use prior to dismissal from the gym. All other bathrooms and vending machines in the building are off limits prior to dismissal from the gym.
JH Cheerleading Tryout Information
Tryouts: April 8, 9, 11 & 12
April 5 - STUCO Movie Night
April 10 - Spring Pictures
April 12- Special Olympics at PBJHS
April 12 - Band goes to Six Flags
April 17 - 4th quarter mid-terms
April 18 - Collaboration Day
April 19 - Good Friday/No School
April 22-23 - Sings Trip (7th grade only)
April 26 - Team 4 field trip to St. Louis
April 29- May 3 - MAP TESTING ELA & MATH
May 6-10- 8th grade Science MAP testing
May 6 - Honors Banquet
May 8 - Cardinal game Field trip.
May 9 - Band Concert
May 14 - Ed. Expo
May 15 - Team 1 field trip
May 16 - Team 2 and Team 6 field trip
May 17 - Team 3 field trip.
May 20 - Survivor Games
May 21 - lake Road will be here in gym 9-12
May 22 - Talent Show
May 23 - Awards Assembly
May 23 - Early dismissal
May 23 - 4th quarter ends.